Heo Hoon's top challenge has begun again. "I really want to win KCC."

Heo Hoon's top challenge has begun again. "I really want to win KCC."

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The process of preparing for the October issue is particularly busy. As the new season is set to open, there is more news to deal with than ever, and the editorial department is agonizing over a lot from the start of the planning plan. However, the cover story was decided without much thought as to the main character of the cover story. He is Heo Hoon (29, 180 cm), a new captain of Suwon KT and one of the biggest fish in FA. We could not have many conversations with him ahead of the Taiwan training camp, but we could fully feel his determination for this season through a few bold and short words. Heo Hoon is dreaming of another championship game. This time, he aims to become a real hero.

※This article is published in the October issue of Jumpball, a basketball magazine.
The best box office card, 'King Hoon Mode' in front of a packed audience
"I heard it's so hard to get tickets." This is what I heard a lot during the championship game last season when KT and Busan KCC faced off each other. They were the stars with the thickest fan base in the KBL, and the two sons of "basketball president" Huh Jae clashed with each other, which was not unreasonable. More than 10,000 spectators attended the third and fourth games (14,96) and the championship game (11,217) held in Busan, enjoying the beauty of spring basketball. It was the first time in 13 seasons that more than 10,000 spectators attended the championship game. KCC won the championship, but Huh Hoon was another star in the series. He became the first Korean player to score 30 points or more in two consecutive games, sending the "super team" to people's bloodshed. Despite suffering from physical pain, he also showed off his power to play full-time in four consecutive games starting from the second game. The average record in five games was 26.6 3-pointers, 2.6 rebounds, and 6 assists, 1.4 steals for 36 minutes and 36 seconds. Based on his performance, Huh Hoon also garnered 21 votes out of 84 votes in the playoff MVP vote even though he was a runner-up. Although he finished second, his first championship match stage since his debut served as another opportunity for Huh Hoon to strengthen his fighting spirit as he prepares for the new season.

It was his first championship match since his debut. I think he must have felt a lot of pressure.
It was a new experience. I started to have more greed as a player than pressure. The process of going through the semi-finals and the semifinals to the championship game itself made me so happy. That's why I became greedy to say, "I want to show better performances in the playoffs every season."

Expectations were high as the best box office card was made, and there were a lot of true records related to the spectators of the championship game. What memory do you remember about the heat of the championship game?
In Busan, the gym was so big but it was filled up. It was an away game, but it was still a happy and enjoyable memory. It's not easy to play in front of such a large crowd. Of course, the experience of playing regular games in college was helpful, but I don't think it's easy to compare regular games with championship games. Regular games are unique to regular games, but the championship game of professional basketball is about the best teams competing. First of all, I'm determined to go to the championship game again this season.

The final result was 1-4. What was the biggest difference between KT and KCC?
Well.... First of all, Bath is such a great player. I wish the Korean players could have done better and supported them. They were constantly behind the basket and were inferior in rebounding. We were the only player who could play our part under the basket. As a result, I think toward the second half of the year, we became physically different from KCC.
Even though he was the runner-up, Heo Hoon's performance was amazing. What was the driving force behind his ability to show such concentration and performance while running with physical pain?
"I think it's the fans. I was able to cheer up and run. Playing in a stadium filled with spectators made me concentrate and run more excited. To be honest, my body hurt a lot. I was on an IV during the series, and it wasn't as good as I thought. I was lying down for about a week after the championship game. After my recovery, I was able to relax and enjoy my leisure time with my family.

I once wore a mask because I hurt my nose during the regular league. I don't think it would have been easy to maintain the performance.
It was uncomfortable, but if you don't wear it, you can't run. I didn't think much about it. I just wanted to focus on the game.

I've never played in any games because of a minor injury. I think you want to play in all games, too?
Of course, it would be nice if I could play all the games. But you never know what kind of inevitable situations will happen when you play. There should be no injuries, but I try not to pay too much attention to those records.

The first captain of our debut, and the FA
KT's offseason was shorter than ever, but there was a big change internally. Heo Hoon became the new captain after Moon Sung-gon, who was the captain of last season. It is clear that KT has more young and talented prospects than any other team, but it was a heavy responsibility for Heo Hoon, who is still in his 20s, to take over earlier than expected. In addition, if the season is played normally, Heo Hoon will also qualify as the first FA since his debut. As a star of the team, KT is a must-see star, but there are already rumors that some teams are preparing to collect money for Heo Hoon. It is not unreasonable to be considered a blue chip in the FA market as he has both skills and star quality. However, Heo Hoon's mindset has never been different. "To be honest, I don't care about the FA at all. Wouldn't there be good results if I play a good role?"

As with your father (Heo Jae), you can't learn from learning the guts to solve a match. Which part of your temperament is more important, the amount of training or your personality?
Of course, you need to train a lot to boost your confidence, and that's the basis for you to try in a game, but I think personality plays a bigger role. As you know, I'm an active and funny person. I also don't like being quiet or awkward. I think that personality also affects your performance when it's important.

What areas did you focus on training in the offseason?
"All foreign players have changed. When we didn't know which foreign players would come, we focused on training to improve our physical condition rather than on team training. We each did weight training to prevent injury. Personally, we practiced shooting while taking care of our bodies a lot. As a leader, I also thought about how to lead the team well.

First time captain since college. How did you feel when you were offered?
I was a bit embarrassed. I was able to become the captain earlier than I thought. I was surprised when the coach suggested it, but now that I think about it, the role of captain will be the foundation for my personal growth. I told Sung-gon first. Sung-gon made the captaincy as soon as he transferred, but if it changes in a year, he may not feel good as a player. We didn't exchange special stories. He told me to decide after thinking about it.

Is there anything different about being the captain?
If I used to work hard on my own, now I have more opportunities to help my juniors see and learn. We're younger than other teams. So the atmosphere is always good. It was always bright, but I'm trying more to create an atmosphere where I can say, "Cheer up."

I'm about to make my first FA debut. I don't think there's anything I can't help but be conscious of?
To be honest, I'm not conscious at all. I'm just doing what I've been doing. Just because you become a free agent doesn't mean you're suddenly doing what you haven't done, and I think you're playing the same season. Wouldn't there be good results if I play a good role?

Speaking of other teams, Lee Jung-hyun (Sono) showed great growth last season. Since they are native scorers, their confrontation with Heo Hoon also attracted a lot of attention from their fans. As a competitor and senior, how did you watch Lee Jung-hyun grow?
That's great. I entered college after graduating and have never worked out together, but I'm serious about basketball and always work hard. They showed great performances, and when I see them, I make up my mind that I have to work harder. Even if you're a junior, if you have something to learn, you have to learn.
"Current KT is the best, KCC is the best"
It finally led KT to the championship game, but this season will be a bumpier challenge for Huh Hoon. While the lower-ranking teams continued to strengthen their skills, most of the upper-middle-class teams also maintained their core strength, but KT failed to renew their contracts with Paris Bath. Jung Sung-woo, who played well in key positions and on the bench, also moved to Daegu Korea Gas Corporation. The new Asian quarter's adaptability to dalf Panopio is also said to be below expectations. Of course, the ball is round and unexpected in the world of sports. As he made it to the championship by reversing his reputation last season, Huh Hoon expected another championship game. "I'm satisfied with the membership. I think KT is the best at the moment." It was a word that gives a glimpse of Huh Hoon's trust in his teammates.

It's going to be a more physically difficult season than ever because EASL (East Asian Super League) has to be played at the same time.
I haven't thought much about it yet, but I think it'll be fun. It's a competition where two foreign players can play at the same time. As a rookie, there was a quota for two players to play together, but back then, we had a one-man system. Of course, it would be physically difficult, but EASL is not a competition where anyone can participate even if they want to. I'm looking forward to it.

If you pick a team that you really want to win this season?
We have to start the season because all the teams' abilities have improved, but we want to win KCC. They were against each other in the championship game last season, but they had good membership and brought good foreign players. KCC really wants to win.

If you recommend a co-worker that you're looking forward to the most?
All the players are preparing hard for the season, but I hope Du-won does better. Last year, I was assigned to the 3x3 national team and couldn't play an off-season with the team, but I trained really hard this year. (Moon) Jung-hyun also practiced a lot for shooting, and he showed good performance in practice games. Yoongi is such a good player, so I will show you just the way he is. I'm looking forward to all the players I mentioned. 토토사이트

You've just joined, but what do you think of the new foreign players' tendencies?
We'll have to start the season to know this, but so far, he's nice. He seems to have a strong personality, and more than anything, I hope he can fight well under the basket.

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